To carry out our research, EML is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment to characterize polymers, composites, and smart materials.

EML is equipped with a Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer (TA Instruments Q800), which is capable of measuring the mechanical properties of materials as a function of time, temperature, and frequency. DMA is essential for the proposed research. The Q800 DMA instrument incorporates unique technology to provide the ultimate in performance, versatility, and ease-of-use. State-of-the-art non-contact, linear drive motor technology in the DMA instruments provides precise stress control. Ultra-sensitive optical encoder technology is used to measure strain, and air-bearing technology ensures virtually friction-free movement. The combination of these technologies sets the Q800 apart from competitive instruments that use conventional stepper motors, LVDT strain measurement devices, and mechanical springs. The Q800 DMA instrument operates over a wide temperature range (-150 to 600°C) and provides multiple modes of deformation including dual/single cantilever and 3-point bending, tension, and compression, all of which are available at EML.

EML is equipped with a Thermogravimetric Analyzer (TA Instruments Q50), which integrates mass flow control, gas-switching capability, superb software, and ease-of-use, making the Q50 ideal in basic research. The Q50 can be used in polymer and composite materials compositional analysis, filler content, and moisture content and thermal stability. It provides Temperature Control and Measurement, accurate and precise purge gas metering, Thermobalance with one of the best accuracy and precision in weight change detection from ambient to 1 000˚C, low baseline drift, and sensitive, reliable operation over the entire weight range. An efficient horizontal purge gas system allows accurately metered purge gas to flow directly across the sample, and is expertly integrated into the vertical thermobalance/furnace design.

EML is equipped with Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM WORKSHOP TT-AFM), which is capable of scanning large samples. The TT-AFM is a complete system and includes everything required for scanning all sizes and shapes of samples. The three-dimensional motion of the sample is generated by piezoelectric ceramics, these sensitive ceramics allow motions as small as fraction of a nanometer. Typically, the sample is moved in a raster patterns as the probe glides across the surface. A light lever sensor is used for controlling the force of the probe on the surface while the sample is scanned. All standard scanning modes are included on AFM installed in the lab. Vibrating mode can be used for high resolution and soft samples, while non-vibrating mode can be used for routine scanning. The AFM is equipped with phase and lateral force, force-displacement, MFM, and C-AFM modes.

EML is equipped with a multi-component laser receiver, capable of simultaneously measuring two components of the surface displacement, the out-of-plane and the in-plane motions, using a single laser probe and a single collecting optic. The detection of the in-plane component allows efficient detection of shear waves, particularly when the direction of ultrasounds propagation is normal to the surface of inspection. The TEMPO 2D has a internal laser power of 500mW @532nm, 20MHz detection bandwidth and NESD (out-of-plane motion) of 2 x 10-7 nm (W/Hz)1/2

EML is equipped with a magneto-optic Kerr effect (MOKE), which is one of the magneto-optic effects. It describes the changes to light reflected from a magnetized surface. It is used in materials science research in devices such as the Kerr microscope, to investigate the magnetization structure of materials.

EML is equipped with a state-of-the-art ultrasonic measurement system (Olympus) to deduce the elastic moduli and Poisson’s ratio of polymers. Ultrasonic techniques have been used because wave velocity depends on the elastic properties of the propagation medium. The system has two sets of ultrasonic transducers; namely pressure and shear, which can be configured in either pitch-catch or thru-transmission configurations. The pulser-receiver unit is capable of generating square wave excitation, which is required in applications involving the testing of thick or highly attenuating materials, such as polymers, with low-frequency transducers.

EML is equipped with a fully automated state-of-the-art multiferroic testing and characterization experimental setup. It consists of an electromagnet (GMW Associates 3470 Dipole), high voltage amplifier (TREK PZD700A Dual Channel), function generator (Agilent 33210A), digital oscilloscope (Tektronix DPO2012), lock-in amplifier (Stanford Research Systems SR830 DSP), and data acquisition board (Measurement and Computing PCI-DAS 1602/12). The electromagnetic interference (EMI) is reduced by enclosing the testing chamber with high permeability shield. The setup is capable of applying voltage up to ±700V at different frequencies up to 120kHz, while applying a maximum magnetic field of 2500Oe.

EML is equipped with 1kN load frame for testing of Adhesion, Compression, Ductility, Fatigue, Shear or Torsion, Tensile, Flexure or Bending of polymers and composite materials. The specimen is placed in the machine between the grips and an extensometer if required can automatically record the change in gauge length during the test. If an extensometer is not fitted, the machine itself can record the displacement between its crossheads on which the specimen is held. Instron 5843 has amaximum travel of 1076 mm and speed range from quasi-static to 16.67 mm/sec. To measure strain, the load frame is equipped with calibrated extra-large travel to report strains up to 2500%.

EML is equipped with a floor standing impact system capable of delivering up to 50J of energy. The system configuration is flexible to easily adjust the drop energy by adjusting the weight and/or drop height.
The data acquisition system consists of reflected and transmitted force sensors, 200g accelerometer, and speed sensor and capable to acquire samples at a rate of 125kS/s per channel.
The in-house developed automated data analysis code can extract important characteristics of force-time history, which include rise-time, amplitude, wave duration, etc.
Coupling the system with our expertise in mechanical design, experimentation, and automation, the capabilities of the machine can be easily altered to match new experimental protocols.

EML is equipped with a uPrint, a professional grade 3D printer from Stratasys that utilizes ABSplus to produce high quality models and prototypes. The build volume is 20.3 x 15.2 x 15.2 cm and the minimum layer thickness is 254 microns.
Its highly advanced, powerful, stable platform is made to work seamlessly with CAD software.

EML is equipped with a Diamond Saw Buehler IsoMet Low Speed cutting machine is a precision sectioning saw that is designed for cutting various types of materials with minimal deformation. This low speed precision cutter is targeted for delicate parts by only using gravity fed force. Low speed sectioning tool capable of cutting virtually any material including brittle or ductile metals, composites, cements, laminates, plastics, electronic devices and biomaterials. It provides gravity fed cutting force to reduce deformation on delicate samples, precise cut location control and great versatility in sample holders for all shapes and configurations of cuts required.

EML is equiped with a ultrasonic cleaner/mixer. The Crest CP1100HT Ultrasonic Cleaner is a 0.75 gallon cleaner that is equipped with a Digital display for a 0-30 minute timer and thermostat that goes up to 175 degrees Fahrenheit (80 degrees Celcius). Cleans at an ultrasonic power of 80 watts on average at a frequency of 42 – 45 kHz and ensures uniform cleaning throughout the tank by sweeping the ultrasonic frequency 3 kHz, creating overlapping ultrasonic waves.
EML has an Original Prusa SL1S SPEED+ multifunctional device for processing resin (CW1S Machine). This printer uses a high-resolution (MONOCHROME) LCD panel and a UV LED array to cure thin layers of resin to achieve an unprecedented level of detail. It is compatible with a wide range of resins for various applications. It is capable of 3x faster layer printing, 1.4 seconds/layer, and a large working volume – 127 × 80 × 150mm.
EML is equipped with a desktop FFF 3D printer, designed to work with demanding materials such as PEEK and ULTEM. It can build a volume of 260 × 260 × 260 mm. This printer features enclosed chambers that allow them to work in high temperatures. The printer will save print during power loss. The extruder can reach a temperature of 400 °C.
EML has developed a built-in-house multimode terahertz time-domain spectroscopy setup, including separately operated transmission and reflection configurations. The setups can be used for single-point or mapping investigations with up to 3.5 THz bandwidth.